
Learn about the Fulfillment jobs in HotWax Commerce.

Ship Packed Orders

Job Name : Ship Packed Orders Job Enum ID: JOB_SHIP_ORD_PKD Service Name : shipPackedOrders Flow : Order Fulfillment in HotWax

The Ship Packed Orders job in HotWax's Fulfillment App updates order status from packed to shipped. Store associates mark an order as shipped by tapping the "Shipped" button. However, in some cases, failing to tap the button results in incomplete fulfillment.

This job is generally scheduled to run at midnight and marks all the orders in the packed status as updated to shipped. Retailers generally assume that once the carrier has arrived, it is highly likely that all packed orders have been shipped.

No custom parameters for this job


Order Fulfillment History

Job Name: Order Fulfillment History Job Enum ID: JOB_ORD_FLMNT_HST Service Name: ftpImportFile Flow: Order Fulfillment in HotWax

HotWax and Shopify both maintain order fulfillment statuses. A Moqui job in HotWax ensures system integrity by synchronizing order fulfillment history between the two platforms. This job ensures that any orders marked as fulfilled in Shopify are also updated as fulfilled in HotWax, maintaining consistency across systems.

How does this job work? HotWax sends an API request to Shopify to provide all the orders fulfilled from the last job run until the current timestamp. In response to this request, Shopify provides a JSON file that is imported by the ‘Order Fulfillment History’ job in HotWax and uploaded to MDM_UPD_ORD_FMNT_HST in MDM. From there, the Process Bulk Import Files job runs, and the fulfilled status is marked.

Custom Parameters

  • The recommended frequency for this job is 15 minutes.

  • This job has configId and propertyResource as the required parameters.

  • It has some optional parameters.


Open BOPIS Order Notification

Job Name: Open BOPIS Order Notification Job Enum ID: JOB_OPN_BOPIS_ORD_NT Service Name: sendOpenBopisOrderNotification Flow: Order Fulfillment from HotWax

This job is used for notifying store associates of the open BOPIS orders allocated to their store. Basically, when a BOPIS order is allocated to a store, it is generally expected that the BOPIS order must be catered to as soon as possible. So it is important to get notified for BOPIS orders when they are allocated to stores.

How are stores notified?

Basically, this job checks all the BOPIS orders placed between the timeframe of the last job run and the current timestamp. And sends push notifications on the BOPIS App for the respective stores.

It is important to note that if this job is not scheduled, stores will not be notified about BOPIS orders allocated to them.

Custom Parameters

  • There are no custom parameters for this job.

  • The recommended frequency for this job in 15 minutes.

Ready to Pick BOPIS order Notification.

Job Name: Ready to Pick BOPIS Order Notification Job Enum ID: JOB_RP_BOPIS_ORD_NT Service Name: sendOrderNotification Flow: Order Fulfillment from HotWax

This job is used for notifying customers when their BOPIS order is ready for pickup. Basically, when a store associate fulfills a BOPIS order and clicks the 'READY FOR PICKUP` button, this job internally triggers marketing platforms (like Klaviyo) to automate the notification process.

Custom Parameters

  • The recommended frequency for this job is 15 minutes.

  • This job has topicEnum Id as required Parameter.

Open Shipping Order Notification

Job Name: Open Shipping Order Notification Job Enum ID: JOB_OPEN_SHIP_ORD_NT Service Name: sendOrderNotification Flow: Order Fulfillment from HotWax

This job is used for notifying store associates of the open shipping orders allocated to their store. Basically, when an order is allocated to a store, it is generally expected that the order must be catered as soon as possible. So it is important to get notified for orders when they are allocated to stores.

How Are Stores Notified? The Open Shipping Order Notification job fetches all those orders created in HotWax ‘topicEnum Id’ within the timeframe of the last job run to the current timestamp. It then sends a push notification to the relevant stores about these orders.

Custom Parameters

The recommended frequency for this job is 15 minutes. This job has topicEnum Id as required Parameter

Auto cancelations:

Job name: Auto cancellations Service: autoCancelOrderItems Flow: Auto Cancellation From HotWax

HotWax Commerce facilitates retailers to set an auto cancellation date on orders that are unfulfilled. The Check Daily toggle on the job card enables the job, and also the operations team can set the days in which the order will get auto-cancelled.

How does cancellation flow work? Basically, this job checks for the orders that are in the unfillable parking, and the cancellation date is reached. This job simply changed their status to cancelled in HotWax.

Note: The cancelled orders will only be synced from HotWax to Shopify only if the Upload Canceled Order job is enabled.

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Send Packed Order Mail

Job Name: Bulk Send Packed Order Mail Job Enum id: JOB_PACKED_MAIL_ODR Service Name: bulkSendPackedOrderMail Flow: Order Fulfillment Flow

This job is used to send email notifications to customers when their orders are in packed status. When an order item is marked as packed in the Fulfillment App, HotWax Commerce communicates the shipment status to the retailer’s marketing platform, notifying customers that their order has been shipped from the facility.

Customer Parameters

  • This has no required parameters.

  • frequency and emailType is the required parameters

Packed BOPIS Order Reminder Notification

Job Name: Send Packed BOPIS Order Reminder Notification Job Enum id: JOB_PCK_ORD_RMDR Service Name: pickReminderAtRegularInterval Flow: Packed Order Notification from HotWax to Klaviyo

This job is for notifying customers to pick up their BOPIS order after a specified duration from when their order is packed. There can be a scenario when, after a ready-to-pickup email has been sent, the customer has not responded. In such cases, this job is used to trigger marketing platforms (like Klaviyo) to send a reminder email to customers.

How is the reminder notification sent?

When the order is marked “Ready for pick up,” it’s moved to packed status and shown in the Packed tab of the BOPIS app. When an order is in packed status for more than 7 days, a reminder pick-up email is sent to the customer. The email trigger request should be sent to Klaviyo every 7th, 14th, and 21st day.

Custom Parameters

  • This job has no required parameters.

  • The recommended frequency for this job is 15 minutes.

  • It has intervalDays, maxOccourrences, emailType as the optional parameters.

Notification using communication events

Job Name: Notification using communication events


Description The Notification Using Communication Events job enables retailers to communicate to internal users by the help of the communication event feature on the view order page. This job ensures that internal teams are promptly alerted to important events for that particular order, facilitating efficient communication within the organization. No custom parameters for this job

Packed BOPIS Order Reminder Notification

Job Name: Packed BOPIS Order Reminder Notification


The Packed BOPIS Order Reminder Notification job sends a reminder notification to customers informing them that their Buy Online, Pick Up In Store (BOPIS) order has been packed and is ready for pickup. This reminder is sent every 7 days, up to 3 times, ensuring the customer is informed and reminded to collect their order.

Custom Parameters

Default Value



Number of days between each reminder




Maximum number of occurrences of the reminder




Specific type of email template to use for a notification


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