Error Due to Incorrect JSON


This document provides a comprehensive guide to diagnose and resolve synchronization issues related to order import errors caused by special characters in notes and incorrectly formatted email fields.

Common Scenarios:

  1. Order import fails in HotWax Commerce OMS due to special characters in the "Note" field. Such as 🌟 👍 😊 or miscellaneous characters.

  2. Order import fails in HotWax Commerce OMS due to incorrectly formatted email addresses. Such as or, etc.

Common Error Messages:

  • "Rollback called in Entity Engine SQLProcessor java.lang.Exception"

  • "E-mail address not formatted correctly, must be like: name@domain"

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Process:

Verify If Issue Exists:

  1. Access OMS:

    • Navigate to HotWax Commerce OMS and log in with your user credentials.

    • Go to the MDM page from the hamburger menu and click on EXIM > MDM > Shopify order mdm.

    • Check the Import Results in the Shopify order mdm page for any failed records.

  2. Check Shopify Logs:

    • Review Shopify Plus logs or feeds for specific error messages related to the failed import.

Diagnose the Issue:

  1. Identify Failed Order:

    • Find the order that failed to import by looking at the error messages in OMS.

  2. Download JSON File:

    • Append /json to the order URL in Shopify to download the JSON file of the failed order.

  3. Inspect "Note" and "Email" Fields:

    • Open the JSON file and locate the note key. Check for any special characters, emojis, or miscellaneous symbols.

    • Locate the email key and verify that the email address follows the standard format (e.g., name@domain).

Resolve the Issue:

  1. Remove Special Characters and Correct Email Format:

    • Edit the JSON file to remove any special characters from the note field.

    • Correct the email address to adhere to the standard format.

  2. Save Edited JSON:

    • Save the changes made to the JSON file.

  3. Re-import Order:

    • If an error is resolved within the job execution time (generally 15 minutes), the import order job should automatically import the order.

    • Otherwise, manually import the order by navigating to MDM / EXIM > MDM > Shopify orders mdm, select Shopify Config, upload your JSON or CSV file using the Upload File field, and run the job.

  4. Verify Successful Import:

    • Ensure the order is successfully imported without errors.

By following these detailed steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve synchronization issues between HotWax Commerce and Shopify, ensuring a smooth and error-free order import process.

This issue is handled in [Release 5.9.0](

Last updated

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