Inventory Count

Managing cycle counts requires a lot of manual communication, especially for merchants with a large inventory network. Operations Managers and Admins often aren’t in a position to directly communicate cycle count requests to ground teams, instead rely on static forms of communication like email. If merchants need inventory reconciliation for multiple items, inconsistency in the information flow can lead to inaccurate inventory.

The Directed Cycle Count app is designed to adapt to the user who is operating it. When an Operations team member logs in, they are provided with admin screens or admin view screens that are dedicated to the holistic operations of cycle count management. Within the admin view, users can create draft cycle counts, assign them to stores for counting, and then review and either accept or reject them for recounts. After counts are completed, the admin views also show analytics of their counts for better overall visibility into inventory accuracy. For store side of the Cycle Count app, you can refer to our user manual for store operations team.

Last updated