Approve Orders
Explore the process of approving orders seamlessly within HotWax Commerce.
Scheduled jobs in HotWax Commerce validates order items and marks them "Approved" in a multi-step process.
Add attributes
HotWax internally adds an order attribute, "NETSUITE_ORDER_EXPORTED", to these orders.
Schedule a job in the integration layer exports these orders into a CSV
SFTP file locations of orders where "NETSUITE_ORDER_EXPORTED" should be added.
Schedule the following Job from the Orders page in the Job Manager app to apply the order attributes to orders.
The 'NETSUITE_ORDER_EXPORTED' attribute has now been added to orders.
Approve Orders with Attributes
Schedule the job that checks for orders that have this attribute added to them and internally hands them off for approval in the OMS.
This job is also in the NetSuite integration layer so it cannot be modified from the Job Manager app.
SFTP locations where the file of validated orders is located
Schedule a job in HotWax which consumes this file and approves orders in the file.
Orders have now been approved and will be brokered for fulfillment.
Last updated
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