Promise Date Change Notification

Learn how to ensure accurate promise date change communication from OMS to Marketing Automation Platform.


This document outlines the steps to ensure accurate promise date change communication from the Order Management System (OMS) to the Marketing Automation Platform. This integration enhances the customer experience and reduces manual efforts.

Step 1: Identify Promise Date Changes

The bulkSendPromiseDateChange service in OMS identifies all the sales order items whose promise dates have changed throughout the day. The frequency of this service can be configured according to specific requirements, but it is recommended to set it to once a day.

Service Details:

<service name="bulkSendPromiseDateChangedNotification" engine="java"
             location="co.hotwax.customerservice.order.CsrOrderServices" invoke="bulkSendPromiseDateChangedNotification" auth="true" transaction-timeout="3600">
        <description>Bulk service to send promised date changed notification. Default send promised date changed on the last day.</description>
        <attribute name="fromDate" type="Timestamp" mode="IN" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="toDate" type="Timestamp" mode="IN" optional="true"/>


The starting date and time range to find order item changes



The ending date and time range to find order item changes


Step 2: Prepare for Email Notification

The bulkSendPromiseDateChange service identifies all the updated sales order items whose promise dates have changed between the fromDate and toDate and gathers order context needed to hand off to the Marketing Automation Platform.

Step 3: Call sendDeliveryDateChangedNotification service

After bringing all the updated items in response, the bulkSendPromiseDateChange service calls the sendDeliveryDateChangedNotification service for each item.

Service Details:

<service name="sendDeliveryDateChangedNotification" engine="java" require-new-transaction="true" max-retry="3"
             location="co.hotwax.warehouse.shipping.WarehouseServices" invoke="sendDeliveryDateChangedNotification">
        <description>Send an order item Delivery Date Changed notification</description>
        <implements service="orderNotificationInterface"/>
        <attribute name="orderId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
        <attribute name="orderItemSeqId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>


The ID of the order in Shopify



The numerical sequence ID of the item in the order


Step 4: Customize Email Notification

The sendDeliveryDateChangedNotification service identifies the configured email integration platform and picks the appropriate API template. The service then uses the input parameters orderId and orderItemSequenceID to add all the sales order items with changed promise dates in the email template being pushed to the Marketing Automation Platform.

HotWax Commerce has ready integration with Klaviyo, a marketing automation platform. Here's a sample JSON file that is shared with Klaviyo's API for each order:

  "brandName": "",
  "ORDERNO": "",
  "FIRSTNAME": "",
      "itemId": "",
      "status": "",
      "description": "",
      "quantity": "",
      "color": "",
      "price": "",
      "itemImage": "",
      "itemUrl": "",
      "backOrder": "",
      "deliveryDate": "",
      "clearance": "",
      "itemName": "",
      "size": "",
      "itemUri": []

Step 5: Deliver Email Notification

The service calls the email platform's API and sends the details to the email integration platform which will then further deliver it to the customer.

By following these steps, you can ensure accurate promise date change communication from the OMS to marketing automation platform.

Last updated

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