View Closed Counts
Guide to overview closed cycle counts in the Cycle Count app, including performance metrics, detailed count summaries, and export options for comprehensive reporting.
Close Counts Details
The closed counts page gives a review of all counts that have been closed. This page is helpful for getting an overview of how cycle counts have been performing.
The top of the page has two metrics:
Counts closed: Number of counts that have been closed in the selected time range.
Average variance: The average variance presents an overall measure of how accurate inventory has been across all recently closed cycle counts.
The Closed count list shows the name and ID of the cycle count along with the facility from which it is completed and the date on which the cycle count is closed. Admins can also see the item count details such as how many items were available in the count and how many of them were counted. the rejected inventory counts and the total inventory variance are also visible for admins to easily identify the count with major inaccuracies.
Export Cycle Count Details
To get a detailed view of recently closed counts, use the export
function available at the right bottom and save counts offline in a CSV format that can be opened in all common spreadsheet tools.
Configurable export options: Commonly referenced values can be configured during export to help make reporting easier.
Internal ID
External ID
Primary/Secondary Product ID
Internal ID
Internal Name
Line Status
When importing the Count ID, facility and Internal ID are mandatory fields, while individual columns can also be selected to be included in the export, but all fields are selected by default. The following columns are available to export:
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