Complete Order Cancellation
Learn the process of complete order cancellation in Shopify and its update in HotWax Commerce.
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Learn the process of complete order cancellation in Shopify and its update in HotWax Commerce.
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Order Cancellation In Shopify And Updated In HotWax Commerce
To sync cancellation updates from Shopify to HotWax Commerce, there are two options available: webhooks and batch jobs. By subscribing to the 'Canceled Order' webhook, customers can cancel orders in real-time. However, it should be noted that Shopify webhooks may not always be reliable. Therefore, it is recommended to schedule the 'Canceled Order' Job which imports all updates through a series of steps.
Import Canceled Orders- When HotWax Commerce wants to check for canceled orders on Shopify, it uses an API request through the 'Canceled Order' job. This job looks at the 'cancelled_at' field for orders on Shopify and compares it to the job's last run time. If the 'cancelled_at' time is later than the job's last run time, the job downloads all canceled orders from Shopify in batches of 100 to avoid exceeding Shopify's API limit.
Processing in HotWax Commerce- Once all canceled orders are downloaded, HotWax Commerce processes the file to check the order IDs of the canceled orders and marks them as canceled in the system.
The recommended frequency for this job is every 30 minutes, however, it can be adjusted to a different time interval using the Job Manager App.