Inventory Page

Enables users to find products and their variants in OMS to get an inventory overview with details such as threshold, committed and excluded inventory and inventory availability at each facility.

Key Characteristics:

1. Consolidated View: Enables users to have a consolidated view of all the products with distinct inventory information.

4. Threshold Values: Displays the threshold values set on the products.

5. Reserved Inventory Overview: Displays the committed inventory for the approved orders.

6. Excluded Inventory from Selling Online: Displays the excluded item inventory of the facilities which is not available for selling online.

7. Inventory Calculations: Displays physical inventory shared with eCom stores after deducting the threshold, reserved inventory and excluded inventories from the actual ATP (Available to Promise) available in OMS.

8. Inventory By Facility: Displays a detailed view of available Inventory at each facility with facility configurations and settings to get inventory representation.

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