Replace Product in Existing Orders

Update the SKU of existing order items when a product is changed or modified on Shopify.

This action is restricted to Merchandising managers.

MDM stands for Master Data Manager.

EXIM stands for Export Import.

To update the SKU of existing order items with new items:

  1. Navigate to: Hamburger Menu > MDM > EXIM > Imports > Order management > Replace Order Item Product.

  2. Download the sample template CSV and fill it out with the required details.

  3. Click Choose File and select the CSV from your system.

  4. Click Upload.

To verify the uploaded data:

  1. Pick any order data from the uploaded CSV.

  2. Navigate to: Hamburger Menu > Find Orders Page.

  3. Search the order and go to the Order View page.

  4. Verify the updated data.

Refer to the table for CSV field details:

CSV FieldsDescriptionsRequired Fields


HotWax Commerce Order Identification value



Shopify Order Identification value



HotWax Commerce Product Identification value



Universal Product Identification value



HotWax Commerce Order Identification value of the new product



Universal Product Identification value of the new product



Brand Prefix (Mandatory if multiple brands are available)


Edge scenario:

If a product is deleted on Shopify and synced to Hotwax Commerce, you need to change the product ID in Hotwax Commerce to another product ID to fulfill orders for that product. To make changes follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Hamburger Menu > MDM > EXIM > Imports > Order management > Replace Order Item Product.

  2. Download the sample template CSV and add the following columns:

    • shopify-order-name

    • product-id

    • new-upca

    • site

  3. Upload the CSV file to Hotwax Commerce.

To find the product ID of the deleted product:

  • Navigate to Hamburger Menu > Order Management > Sales.

  • Search for the sales order.

  • Find the order item.

  • Click the deleted product to open the Product View page.

  • Copy the product ID from the header.

  • Add the product ID in the CSV file.

Last updated