Manage import and export of data in OMS.

Key Characteristics:

EXIM Import Section

By default the upload history remains in the result section for 30 days for user reference which is configurable as per the user’s discretion.

1. Consolidated View: Enables users to have a consolidated view of all the related CSVs to import data under the respective menus such as Order Management, Procurement, Warehouse, PIM and for Master Data Management.

2. Sample CSV: Sample CSV is available while importing data for each listed menu to facilitate users to easily download it in their system and fill the relevant data .

Export Section

1. Consolidated View: Enables users to have a consolidated view of all the related CSVs to export data under the respective menus such as Order Management, Procurement and Warehouse.

2. Filter Data: Facilitates users to select date range, status and facilities to export data of Facilities, Inventory, Shipment or Sales Order data.

Last updated