Create Carrier

Efficiently set up carriers for shipping methods in HotWax Commerce's Order Management System (OMS).

Before configuring a shipping method, it is necessary to set up a carrier corresponding to that shipping method. The OMS comes with a default placeholder carrier that can be utilized when an exact carrier shipment method doesn't need to be mapped or when Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are used to rateshop with carriers and determine an optimized shipping method.

In the OMS, a carrier is defined as a party. A party in the OMS can fulfill multiple roles, and these roles are assigned separately as PartyRoles.

To create a party for your carrier, utilize the following sample XML data and complete the party details.

Import this XML data using the web tools' import XML data function.

<Party partyId="{partyId}" partyTypeId="PARTY_GROUP"/>

Now that the carrier party is created, you have to assing a carrier role to it. Add the party ID to this sample data and import it into the OMS to give the party a carrier role:

<PartyRole partyId="{partyId}" roleTypeId="CARRIER"/>

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