Shipping Label Generations

Learn how to troubleshoot issues with generating shipping labels in the HotWax Commerce Fulfillment App for seamless label creation.

Shipping Label Generation

If you encounter difficulties generating a shipping label within the HotWax Commerce Fulfillment App, it may be attributed to incorrect configurations of the shipping carrier, incomplete facility associations, or missing customer details. Here are some cases that may result in shipping label generation errors:

Verify Shipping Carrier is set up in HotWax Commerce

Case: Shipping Carrier Not Set Up in HotWax Commerce

HotWax Commerce relies on the accurate setup of shipping carriers to facilitate the generation of shipping labels. Without a properly configured carrier, the system lacks the necessary information to process and generate shipping labels for orders.


  1. Verify if the shipping carrier corresponding to the desired shipping method is set up in HotWax Commerce.

  2. Follow the documentation on creating a carrier in HotWax Commerce here.

  3. Ensure the carrier setup includes accurate details relevant to the shipping method.

Case: Shipping Gateway Configurations Missing

Shipping gateway configurations are essential for HotWax Commerce to communicate with external shipping services and facilitate the exchange of shipping data. Without proper configurations, the system cannot communicate with shipping gateways to process shipping labels.


  1. Check if the carrier data has been successfully loaded into HotWax Commerce.

  2. Follow the steps outlined in the documentation to add shipping gateway configurations here.

  3. Ensure that the shipping gateway configurations are accurately entered and correspond to the carrier data.

Case: Shipping Method Not Configured

Shipping methods need to be configured within HotWax Commerce to map the shipping method the customer selected during the checkout process on Shopify with the shipping method provided by the carrier.


  1. Verify if the shipment method corresponding to the carrier is set up in HotWax Commerce.

  2. Follow the documentation to set up shipping methods here.

Case: Shipment Boxes Not Configured for Carrier

Proper configuration of shipment boxes within HotWax Commerce ensures accurate label generation by providing the necessary dimensions and specifications for packaging orders.


  1. Follow the steps outlined in the documentation to configure shipment boxes for the carrier here.

  2. Ensure that the dimensions and specifications of the shipping boxes are accurately entered to facilitate accurate label generation.

Check Facility Association

Case: Facility Not Associated with Shipping Carrier

In HotWax Commerce, shipping labels are generated based on the association between facilities and shipping carriers. If the facility for which a shipping label is being generated is not associated with the relevant shipping carrier, the label generation process will fail.


Verify Facility Association: Confirm that the facility for which the shipping label is being generated is properly associated with the corresponding shipping carrier. Refer to the documentation here for guidance on associating facilities with carriers.

Case: Shipping Label Generation Disabled for Facility

HotWax Commerce provides the option to enable or disable shipping label generation for individual facilities. If this feature is disabled for the facility from which orders are being fulfilled, shipping labels cannot be generated.


  1. Access Facility Details: Navigate to the Facility Detail page within the Facilities App to access the settings for the relevant facility.

  2. Enable Label Generation: Locate the toggle for "Generate Shipping Label" and ensure it is switched on to allow for shipping label generation.

  3. Retry Label Generation: After enabling shipping label generation for the facility, attempt to generate the shipping label again for the affected order.

Case: Missing Facility Phone Number

A valid phone number associated with the facility is often required by shipping carriers for shipment notifications and communication purposes. Failure to provide this information may result in errors during label generation.


  1. Edit Address Section in Facility detail page: Click on the edit button of the address section to access the facility's details.

  2. Add Phone Number: Enter the correct phone number for the facility and save the changes.

  3. Retry Label Generation: After adding the phone number, attempt to generate the shipping label again for the affected order.

Check Customer Information

Case: Customer Address Not Compatible with Shipping Method

Shipping methods may have specific requirements or restrictions based on the destination address. If the customer's address does not meet the criteria set by the shipping method (e.g., international shipments not supported), the shipping label generation process may fail.


  1. Facility Rejection: Reject the order from the facility if the customer's address does not comply with the shipping method requirements.

  2. Manual Release: Manually release the order and assign it to a facility located in the customer's country.

  3. Fulfillment from Appropriate Facility: Fulfill the order from the facility aligned with the customer's country to ensure compatibility with the shipping method.

Case: Incorrect Customer Zip Code

Accurate zip code information is crucial for generating shipping labels, as it ensures the delivery of packages to the proper location. If the customer's zip code is incorrect, label generation may fail.


  1. Facility Rejection: Reject the order from the facility to prevent incorrect label generation.

  2. Edit Customer Address: Navigate to the Sales Order > View Order page for the affected order ID.

  3. Update Zip Code: Access the Item Groups section and click on the pencil icon next to the address to edit the information.

  4. Save and Broker Order: Enter the correct zip code, save the address changes, and broker the order again for fulfillment.

Case: Missing Customer Contact Number

Customer contact numbers are often required by shipping carriers for notification purposes and to facilitate communication regarding delivery. If the customer's contact number is missing, label generation may encounter errors.


  1. Facility Rejection: Reject the order from the facility to prevent label generation until the issue is resolved.

  2. Edit Customer Information: Access the order details and edit the customer's address to include the contact number.

  3. Save and Broker Order: After adding the contact number, save the changes, and broker the order again for fulfillment.

If the issues persist despite following the troubleshooting steps, consider reviewing the specific requirements of the shipping method or contacting HotWax Commerce support for further assistance.

If you are using test APIs, then there may be a slight delay in shipping label generation, wait for a few minutes and try generating label again, if it's not generated on the first try.

Generate Shipping Labels from Preferred Carrier

Retailers can generate shipping labels from their preferred carrier using HotWax Commerce’s Fulfillment App, to have more control when working with multiple shipping providers. By toggling the feature in the facility details page App link, store associates can either automatically generate labels from the default carrier or manually select their preferred carrier after packing.

This feature provides enhanced flexibility, especially for stores using multiple carriers, allowing for easier switching between partners and optimizing the shipping process.

Steps to Generate Shipping Labels from Preferred Carriers:

  1. Access the Fulfillment App: Open the HotWax Commerce Fulfillment App on your device.

  2. Go to the "In Progress" Section: Navigate to the In Progress section where you’ll find details of active orders.

  3. Select the Order and Pack: Choose the relevant order and click on the Pack Order option.

  4. Choose the Preferred Carrier: Select from options like FedEx, UPS, or EasyPost based on the order's requirements and convenience, ensuring flexibility and control over shipping.

  5. Enter Tracking Code and URL: Store associates can manually enter the tracking code in the provided field. Ensure that a tracking URL is configured for the selected carrier. If it’s not available, you may need to input the tracking URL manually to allow customers to track their shipments effectively.

  6. Generate the Label: Once the carrier is selected, generate the shipping label for the order.

Last updated