Pre-Order App

The HotWax Commerce Pre-Order App is designed for merchandisers to gain a clear understanding of their presell catalog, allowing them to track the status of pre-orders and backorders, and confirm listed items on the eCommerce platform. This app enables merchandisers to efficiently manage all pre-orders, including the ability to release them manually. The Pre-Order App is designed specifically for merchandisers to get a full overview of the pre-order products; therefore, the "PRE-ORDER APP VIEW" permission is required to access the app. Furthermore, actions that involve pre-order inventory configurations also require higher-level permissions. Below is a list of all the actions available in the Pre-Order App, along with the specific permissions needed to perform them.

Order Page

Serial No.ActionPermissions NeededDescription


Search Orders


Search all the pre-orders within the system.


Filter Orders


Filter orders based on order date, promise date, or loyalty status.


Release Items


Release items from the parking queue to begin fulfillment.


Edit Promise Date


Edit the promise date of the order as needed.

Products Page

Serial No.ActionPermissions NeededDescription


View Products


View all products currently on pre-order.


View Product Details


View detailed information and all orders for a specific product.


Filter Orders


Filter orders for specific products based on size, order date, promise date, or loyalty status.


Release Orders


Release all orders associated with the selected products.

Catalog Page

Serial No.ActionPermissions NeededDescription


View Product Catalog


View the complete product catalog, including pre-orders and backorders.


Filter Product Catalog


Filter the product catalog based on pre-order, backorder, or all products.

Product Audit Page

Serial No.ActionPermissions NeededDescription


View Pre-Order Listing Status


View the listing status, eligibility, and pre-order timeline of products.


View Purchase Order Details


View complete purchase order details, including purchase order date, ATP (Available to Promise) of the product, and already allocated inventory from the purchase order.


View Online ATP Computation


View ATP computation details, including current online ATP, quantity on hand (QOH), and excluded ATP.


Reserve Inventory


Configure whether the OMS (Order Management System) should reserve inventory for pre-orders.


Hold Pre-Order Physical Inventory


Configure inventory computation to prevent physical inventory from being made available online for products with orders in the Pre-Order parking.


View Pre-Order Jobs


View all pre-order jobs and their next scheduled run times.


View Shopify Listing Status


View the listing status of products on Shopify.

Last updated