Fulfilled Order Items Feed

Explore the Fulfilled Order Items Feed, containing items fulfilled from a specific facility in HotWax Commerce


The Fulfilled Order Items Feed is a JSON-formatted feed generated from HotWax Commerce OMS, organized by order. It includes order items that have been successfully fulfilled from a specific facility. This feed is crucial for updating inventory deltas to ensure accurate inventory levels in external systems like ERP. Notably, it only includes orders that have been fully fulfilled; orders with reserved items that have not yet shipped are excluded as they may still undergo rejection and re-brokering to another facility for fulfillment.

Use case

Synchronizing Inventory Changes with ERP Systems

The Fulfilled Order Items Feed helps retailers who use fulfill orders through external systems but require updates to inventory deltas for maintaining accurate inventory levels, particularly within their inventory management systems like ERPs. This feed provides essential raw data directly from OMS, enabling retailers to utilize it as is or after transformation for seamless integration into external systems via file-based methods. This ensures that inventory records remain precise and up-to-date across various platforms.


The Appeasements Financial Feeed Order Items feed has certain out-of-the-box customizations that allow users to generate the feed as per the requirements.

Sample Fulfilled Orders Items Feed
[ {
  "productStoreId" : "NN_STORE",
  "orderId" : "36421",
  "orderName" : "NNUS#10055",
  "orderDate" : "2022-06-17T07:24:32-04:00",
  "orderStatusId" : "ORDER_COMPLETED",
  "entryDate" : "2022-06-17T07:26:32-04:00",
  "currency" : "USD",
  "grandTotal" : 70,
  "orderItemSeqId" : null,
  "itemStatusId" : null,
  "itemQuantity" : null,
  "unitPrice" : null,
  "orderItemExternalId" : null,
  "shipGroupSeqId" : null,
  "slaShipmentMethodTypeId" : null,
  "postalContactMechId" : null,
  "telecomContactMechId" : null,
  "externalFulfillmentOrderItemId" : null,
  "fulfillmentStatus" : null,
  "customerFirstName" : "Ashish",
  "customerLastName" : "Sharma",
  "facilityId" : null,
  "facilityExternalId" : null,
  "facilityTypeId" : null,
  "parentFacilityTypeId" : null,
  "statusDatetime" : null,
  "productId" : null,
  "salesChannel" : "WEB_CHANNEL",
  "customerPartyId" : "36695",
  "shippedQuantity" : null,
  "shipmentId" : null,
  "shipmentItemSeqId" : null,
  "shippedProductId" : null,
  "statusId" : null,
  "destinationContactMechId" : null,
  "destinationTelecomNumberId" : null,
  "shipmentMethodTypeId" : null,
  "trackingIdNumber" : null,
  "carrierPartyId" : null,
  "orderIdentifications" : [ {
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    "lastUpdatedStamp" : "2022-06-17T07:26:32-04:00",
    "idValue" : "4449150697543",
    "orderIdentificationTypeId" : "SHOPIFY_ORD_ID",
    "thruDate" : null
  }, {
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    "orderIdentificationTypeId" : "SHOPIFY_ORD_NAME",
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    "fromDate" : "2022-06-17T07:26:32-04:00",
    "lastUpdatedStamp" : "2022-06-17T07:26:32-04:00",
    "thruDate" : null
  }, {
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    "fromDate" : "2022-06-17T07:26:32-04:00",
    "thruDate" : null,
    "lastUpdatedStamp" : "2022-06-17T07:26:32-04:00"
  } ],
  "customerPartyIdentifications" : [ {
    "lastUpdatedStamp" : "2021-12-28T06:09:33-05:00",
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    "partyIdentificationTypeId" : "SHOPIFY_CUST_ID",
    "idValue" : "3304692285511"
  } ],
  "billTo" : null,
  "orderAdjustments" : [ {
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      "slaShipmentMethodTypeId" : "STANDARD",
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      "unitPrice" : 10,
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      "facilityTypeId" : "NA",
      "parentFacilityTypeId" : "VIRTUAL_FACILITY",
      "shippedQuantity" : null,
      "goodIdentifications" : [ {
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        "thruDate" : null
      } ],
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Sample snippet from full JSON file to make inventory corrections:

"shipmentItems" : [ {
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       "thruDate" : null

Last updated