Kit Products

Kit Products

Kit products are products that are sold as a set or bundle, comprising multiple individual items. Here is an overview of how kit products will be displayed on the fulfillment application:

Kit Badge:

When an order includes a kit product, each line item representing that kit in the order will have a "kit" badge indicator. This badge signifies that the line item is a kit that contains physical components.

View Kit Components:

By default, kit line items are not shown directly on the main orders card. Instead, there is a list icon next to the order line item that indicates it's a kit product.

To view all the kit products included in the kit line items within an order:

  • Click on the list icon located on the right-hand side of the order line item.

  • The list expands and opens up the details of the kit with bundled items included in that kit.

This helps in managing orders efficiently by providing clear indications of kit products without cluttering the main order view. It also allows users to easily access detailed information about kit contents when necessary.

Last updated