
Order fulfillment scenarios and how SM expects routing to work for them:

Absolutely! Here's a revised version of the routing scenarios, formatted with Markdown tables and organized for better readability:

Steve Madden Order Brokering Scenarios & Logic

Understanding the Threshold Criteria:

  • A product meets the threshold criteria if its available inventory at a store is greater than or equal to 4 units.

  • The system aims to fulfill as many items as possible from a single location.

Scenario Table

Absolutely! Here's a revised version of the table with real-world retail examples to illustrate each scenario:

Steve Madden Order Brokering Scenarios & Logic

Understanding the Threshold Criteria:

  • A product meets the threshold criteria if its available inventory at a store is greater than or equal to 4 units. This is to ensure a store has enough stock to handle potential demand and avoid frequent stockouts.

  • The system aims to fulfill as many items as possible from a single location to minimize shipping costs and consolidate packaging.

Scenario Table

ScenarioOrder ItemsWarehouse AvailabilityStore Availability (Zone)Threshold Met? (Zone)Brokering DecisionReal-World Example


5 pairs of shoes

3 pairs

2 (Zone 8), 2 (Zone 5)

Zone 8: 1 pair

3 pairs shipped from WH, 2 pairs from Zone 8 store

A customer orders 5 different shoe styles. The warehouse has 3 in stock, while two different stores each have one of the remaining styles with enough stock to meet the threshold.


5 handbags


2 (Zone 8), 2 (Zone 5)

Zone 8: Both handbags

3 handbags shipped from WH, 2 handbags from Zone 8 store

A customer orders multiple handbags, some of which are available in the warehouse and the rest are available in a store with ample stock of each.


5 accessories (hats, scarves, etc.)


2 (Zone 8), 2 (Zone 5)

Zone 5: 1 item, Zone 8: 1 item

3 accessories shipped from WH, 2 accessories from Zone 5 store

A customer orders a variety of accessories. The warehouse has some in stock, and two stores each have one of the remaining items, both meeting the threshold.


5 limited edition sneakers


All (Zone 6), All (Zone 8)

Zone 8: 1 pair of sneakers

All 5 pairs shipped from Zone 6 store

A customer orders limited edition sneakers only available in stores. One store has enough stock of one style to meet the threshold, but the other store has enough of all styles.


1 designer handbag


Zone 6 (<4), Zone 8 (>=4)

Zone 8

Designer handbag shipped from Zone 6 store

A customer orders a high-demand handbag available in limited quantities in two stores. One store has enough to meet the threshold, while the other has less than 4.


5 pairs of boots


All (Zone 5, 6, 8)

Zone 8: 1 pair of boots

All 5 pairs shipped from Zone 5 store

A customer orders several boots, all available in multiple stores. One store has enough of one style to meet the threshold, but the system prioritizes shipping all items from one place.


2 belts


Both (Zone 5, 6, 8)


Both belts shipped from Zone 8 store

A customer orders belts only available in outlet stores. Neither store meets the threshold, so the outlet is prioritized over retail.


2 belts


Both (Zone 5, 6, 8)

Zone 8: 1 belt

Both belts shipped from Zone 8 store

A customer orders belts only available in outlet stores. One store has enough stock of one belt to meet the threshold.


2 pairs of sandals

Both pairs

Both (Zone 5, 6, 8)

Warehouse (N/A for warehouses)

Both pairs of sandals shipped from the warehouse

A customer orders sandals that are in stock both in the warehouse and in several stores. The warehouse is always prioritized.


2 wallets

1 wallet

1 wallet (Zone 5, 8)


1 wallet shipped from warehouse, 1 wallet from the nearest outlet store

A customer orders two wallets. The warehouse has one in stock, and the other is available in two outlet stores.


2 hats

Both (Outlet WH, Retail WH)

Both (Outlet Store, Retail Store)

N/A (multiple warehouses)

Both hats shipped from Outlet Warehouse

A customer orders hats that are available in multiple locations, including warehouses and stores. The system prioritizes the outlet warehouse over the retail warehouse and stores.


2 scarves

Retail WH (<3)

Both (Outlet Store, Retail Store)

Stores meet the threshold

Both scarves shipped from Retail Warehouse

A customer orders scarves available in the retail warehouse (with low stock) and multiple stores that meet the threshold. The system chooses the warehouse to avoid splitting the order.

I hope these real-world examples make the scenarios clearer and easier to understand!

Key Brokering Rules

  1. Warehouse Priority: If items are available in a warehouse, they are always prioritized.

  2. Outlet vs. Retail: If no warehouse has the items, outlet stores are prioritized over retail stores.

  3. Threshold Fulfillment: If multiple stores have the items, the store that meets the threshold criteria for more items is preferred.

  4. Maximum Inventory: If multiple stores meet the threshold, the store with the most inventory is chosen.

  5. Nearest Store: If no other criteria apply (e.g., no store meets the threshold), the nearest store is selected.

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