Completed Feed

Discover the seamless process of transferring orders shipped from the WMS to HotWax, including tracking details and identification methods.

At the end of each day, orders shipped from the WMS are sent to HotWax with tracking details. HotWax uses the facility ID and order ID to identify which shipgroup of the order has been fulfilled by the WMS.

In the event that the order is a “ReShipped” order, then the order name in the CSV will have the expected “_R” signifier appended to it. When this feed is consumed by the integration layer, it will automatically trim this appended tag from the order to return the order name back to its original state before processing it in the OMS.

CSV Schema



Due to the lanuage of the headers in the CSV, it may be a good idea to consider mapping header indexes for easier auditing.

  1. DO# (Delivery Order Number):

    • Data Type: Numeric

    • Example: 1000879842

  2. 日付 (Date):

    • Data Type: Date (YYYYMMDD format)

    • Example: 20230420

  3. 個数 (Quantity):

    • Data Type: Numeric

    • Example: 1

  4. 問い合せNo (Tracking Number):

    • Data Type: Numeric or Alphanumeric

    • Example: 361054809931

  5. 便名 (Delivery Carrier):

    • Data Type: String

    • Example: 佐川急便

Import Job

To sync the fulfillment back into the OMS from the warehouse, a job will be used to import the tranformed fulfilled order feed.



Job Name

Order Item Fulfillment

Last updated