Why HotWax Commerce

Discover how HotWax Commerce revolutionizes omnichannel initiatives for retailers like New Era Caps.

Key Omnichannel Initiatives

Enable a non-channel restricted use of inventory, ensuring that stock from both their warehouse and retail locations could be seamlessly utilized for online and in-store sales.

Implement a flexible order fulfillment system that could handle three distinct purchasing patterns, including regular warehouse fulfilled eCommerce orders, online orders fulfilled by the store, and same-day buy-online-pick-up-in-store (BOPIS). Enhance the user experience by offering pickup options within the product display page (PDP).

Allow customers to explicitly choose if they want to get an item shipped from a store if it is no longer in stock at their warehouse, and dynamically adjust shipping cost based on customer choice.

Utilize the "Mixed Cart" feature to boost the average order value and offer a more diverse range of products to customers.

Prior Initiatives

Inefficiency in fulfilling BOPIS orders: Orders designated for in-store pickup were being shipped from the warehouse to the store, even if the inventory was available at the store. This process was time-consuming, often taking 2-3 days, whereas customers expected same-day or faster pickups.

HotWax Commerce Solutions

To accomplish these objectives, New Era Caps selected HotWax Commerce as their Order Management System (OMS) of choice.

Inventory Utilization: HotWax Commerce enabled New Era Caps to utilize their inventory in a non-channel restricted way. The OMS integrated with Shopify and their warehouse management system (WMS) and Smaregi, their in store point of sale System, allowing efficient order fulfillment from both the warehouse and retail locations. This provided the flexibility needed to optimize inventory usage.

Efficient Order Fulfillment: HotWax Commerce’s same day pickup in store solution eliminated the need to ship items from the warehouse to the store for customer pickups, ensuring quicker in-store order fulfillment and better utilization of in-store inventory.

Enhanced Customer Experience: The solution streamlined the user experience by embedding store selection and pickup options within the product detail page (PDP). This reduced customer actions during the checkout process, allowed mixed cart orders and enhanced the user convenience.

Flexible Shipping Pricing: The OMS provided real-time product availability information across all locations, empowering customers to choose between store and warehouse shipping, with shipping pricing variations. This met New Era Caps' goal of offering pricing flexibility to customers while maintaining profitability.

The collaboration between New Era Caps and HotWax Commerce allowed the retailer to overcome their previous omnichannel challenges and achieve their objectives. HotWax Commerce's expertise in the Shopify space, customizable store operations apps, and seamless integrations played a crucial role in addressing these pain points, resulting in a more efficient and customer-friendly omnichannel experience.

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