Custom Order Import

The custom order import in HotWax Commerce is designed to integrate Shopify orders into the system based on each client’s specific requirements. This flow involves transforming the order JSON using Apache NiFi and making client-specific adjustments for seamless import into HotWax Commerce.

Step 1: Import Orders Job

  • Job Name: Import Orders

  • Enum Id: JOB_IMP_ORD

  • Enum Name: Import Orders

  • Config Id: DNLD_ORDR

When the job runs, it downloads new order JSON files from Shopify.

  • SFTP Path: ./home/newera-uat-sftp/sync_contents/datamanager/imported/DNLD_ORDR

Step 2: NiFi Transformation

NiFi picks up the downloaded JSON files from the SFTP path and processes the following attributes from the payload:

Attributes in the JSON Payload

  {"name": "代引き手数料", "value": "770円"},
  {"name": "配送ζ—₯", "value": "2023/10/01"},
  {"name": "配送時間帯", "value": "18:00-20:00"}

1. COD Fee

  • The field "代引き手数料" represents the COD Fee.

  • The COD Fee is split into:

    • COD Fee VAT (10%) β†’ Mapped to COD_FEE_TAX

    • COD Fee (90%) β†’ Mapped to COD_FEE

Example Calculation (COD Fee = 770):

  • COD Fee Tax (10%): 70

  • COD Fee (90%): 700

Order Adjustment Mapping:

Order Adjustment Id
Order Adjustment Type Id
Order Id









2. Requested Delivery Date

  • The field "配送ζ—₯" is mapped to the requestedDeliveryDate of the order_item entity.

3. Requested Delivery Time

  • The field "配送時間帯" is mapped to the requestedDeliveryTime of the order_item entity.

Step 3: Place Transformed JSON Back to SFTP

  • NiFi places the transformed JSON file on the SFTP path: /home/newera-uat-sftp/hotwax/oms/CustomOrderImport

Step 4: Custom Order Import Job

  • Job Name: Custom Order Import


  • Enum Name: Custom Order Import

  • Config Id: CSTM_ORDR_IMP

  • Property Resource: FTP_CONFIG

This job calls the importJsonListData service, which retrieves the transformed JSON from the SFTP path and imports it into HotWax Commerce.

Services Called

  1. createShopifyOrder

    • Parameters:

      • UserLogin

      • Locale

      • timeZone

      • payload

      • shopifyConfigId

  2. createUpdateOrderAdjustment

    • Parameters:

      • orderAdjustmentTypeId

      • amount

      • orderItemSeqId

      • shipGroupSeqId

  3. updateAllOrderItems

    • Parameters:

      • requestedDeliveryDate

      • requestedDeliveryTime


The Custom Order Import Flow in HotWax Commerce:

  • Handles COD Fee calculations, splitting them into tax and actual fee components.

  • Maps requested delivery dates and times to the appropriate fields in the order_item entity.

  • Uses Apache NiFi for transformation and a custom order import job for processing.

  • Ensures accurate and client-specific order details are imported into the system.

Last updated