Sales Channels

Explore how Krewe defines sales channels based on facility identification types in HotWax, ensuring accurate order syncing and seamless integration with NetSuite.

What are Sales Channels?

NetSuite lets you manage order to cash transactions by channel. A sales channel is a category of sales transaction that you can differentiate by customer type and distribution channel, such as web-shop or retail outlet.

How they're setup in HotWax

Sales channels are determined by the facility the order is placed from. Before HotWax this information was mapped from Shopify Location ID to NetSuite Sales Channel using a Celigo Script.

In HotWax, Krewe will be able to add custom Facility Identifications, allowing them to map custom values to each facility they setup. The identification types will have to be predetermined so that when HotWax syncs the order to NetSuite it is able to check specifically the Sales Channel type of facility identification and include it in the order.

Facility Identification Type

<Enumeration enumId="ORDR_ORGN_SLS_CHNL" description="Netsuite Sales Channel" enumCode="ORDER_ORIGIN_SALES_CHANNEL" enumTypeId="FACILITY_IDENTITY" sequenceId="01"/>

XML Data

Shopify Sales Channel Mapping
<ShopifyShopTypeMapping mappedKey="pos" mappedTypeId="SHOPIFY_ORDER_SOURCE" mappedValue="POS_SALES_CHANNEL" shopId="SHOP"/>
<ShopifyShopTypeMapping mappedKey="sell-on-amazon" mappedTypeId="SHOPIFY_ORDER_SOURCE" mappedValue="AMAZON_SALES_CHANNEL" shopId="SHOP"/>
<ShopifyShopTypeMapping mappedKey="2329312" mappedTypeId="SHOPIFY_ORDER_SOURCE" mappedValue="INSTA_SALES_CHANNEL" shopId="SHOP"/>
<ShopifyShopTypeMapping mappedKey="580111" mappedTypeId="SHOPIFY_ORDER_SOURCE" mappedValue="FACBK_SALES_CHANNEL" shopId="SHOP"/>
<ShopifyShopTypeMapping mappedKey="web" mappedTypeId="SHOPIFY_ORDER_SOURCE" mappedValue="WEB_SALES_CHANNEL" shopId="SHOP"/>
<ShopifyShopTypeMapping mappedKey="shopify_draft_order" mappedTypeId="SHOPIFY_ORDER_SOURCE" mappedValue="DRAFT_SALES_CHANNEL" shopId="SHOP"/>

Source Data

{{#compare source_name '==' 'pos'}}{{#compare location_id '==' '30696177751'}}12{{else compare  location_id '==' '30696210519'}}10{{else compare location_id '==' '62714806359'}}144{{else compare  location_id '==' '62714773591'}}156{{else compare location_id '==' '31137890391'}}65{{else compare  location_id '==' '35758243927'}}94{{else compare location_id '==' '35764404311'}}43{{else compare  location_id '==' '35781869655'}}45{{else compare location_id '==' '35698901079'}}121{{else compare  location_id '==' '61327048791'}}128{{else compare location_id '==' '60903391319'}}171{{else compare  location_id '==' '60903424087'}}104{{else compare location_id '==' '60912140375'}}112{{else compare  location_id '==' '60914499671'}}110{{else compare location_id '==' '62191239255'}}139{{else compare  location_id '==' '62571642967'}}155{{else compare location_id '==' '62743052375'}}167{{else compare  location_id '==' '62762614871'}}176{{else compare location_id '==' '62739513431'}}166{{else compare  location_id '==' '34464825431'}}75{{else compare location_id '==' '62750916695'}}169{{else compare  location_id '==' '31157780567'}}69{{else compare location_id '==' '34465185879'}}26{{else compare  location_id '==' '30696341591'}}22{{else compare location_id '==' '62759370839'}}172{{else compare  location_id '==' '62050500695'}}137{{else compare location_id '==' '62778048599'}}181{{else compare  location_id '==' '62288560215'}}142{{else compare location_id '=='  
Formatted Data
  "#compare source_name '==' 'pos'":{
    "#compare location_id '==' '30696177751'": 12,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '30696210519'": 10,
    "#compare location_id '==' '62714806359'": 144,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '62714773591'": 156,
    "#compare location_id '==' '31137890391'": 65,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '35758243927'": 94,
    "#compare location_id '==' '35764404311'": 43,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '35781869655'": 45,
    "#compare location_id '==' '35698901079'": 121,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '61327048791'": 128,
    "#compare location_id '==' '60903391319'": 171,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '60903424087'": 104,
    "#compare location_id '==' '60912140375'": 112,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '60914499671'": 110,
    "#compare location_id '==' '62191239255'": 139,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '62571642967'": 155,
    "#compare location_id '==' '62743052375'": 167,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '62762614871'": 176,
    "#compare location_id '==' '62739513431'": 166,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '34464825431'": 75,
    "#compare location_id '==' '62750916695'": 169,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '31157780567'": 69,
    "#compare location_id '==' '34465185879'": 26,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '30696341591'": 22,
    "#compare location_id '==' '62759370839'": 172,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '62050500695'": 137,
    "#compare location_id '==' '62778048599'": 181,
    "#compare  location_id '==' '62288560215'": 142,
    "#compare location_id '=='  '62776344663'": 180
  "else": 1
  "source_name": "pos",
  "location_id": {
    "30696177751": 12,
    "30696210519": 10,
    "62714806359": 144,
    "62714773591": 156,
    "31137890391": 65,
    "35758243927": 94,
    "35764404311": 43,
    "35781869655": 45,
    "35698901079": 121,
    "61327048791": 128,
    "60903391319": 171,
    "60903424087": 104,
    "60912140375": 112,
    "60914499671": 110,
    "62191239255": 139,
    "62571642967": 155,
    "62743052375": 167,
    "62762614871": 176,
    "62739513431": 166,
    "34464825431": 75,
    "62750916695": 169,
    "31157780567": 69,
    "34465185879": 26,
    "30696341591": 22,
    "62759370839": 172,
    "62050500695": 137,
    "62778048599": 181,
    "62288560215": 142,
    "62776344663": 180

Last updated