
Explore comprehensive reports, including brokered items, unfillable orders, and more that helps Krewe to ensure tracking and optimization of their omnichannel order management.


These reports help Krewe track their allocations and ensure that there are no unfillable orders that cannot be fulfilled.

Brokered Items Report

View a list of items that have been brokered to the warehouse for fulfillment. Checking this report against the amount of new orders entering the system helps monitor allocation rates. If new orders from Shopify are not showing up in this report, they are also not being sent for fulfillment in NetSuite.

Brokered Count Report

Your brokered order count is a good way to monitor at a birds eye level that all new orders are being allocated. If this number is much lower than the new order count, then you probably need to check the unfillable reports.

Unfillable Statistics Report

Orders that are oversold are considered unfillable. This report will help you identify which products you have oversold and the amount of replenishment needed to fulfill them.

Unfillable Order Item Report

A further breakdown of unfillable orders, this report gives a list of the exact order items that are not fillable. In case inventory is available in your network, just blocked by safety stocks, this report also includes details of how much inventory is actually on hand letting you make a decision to turn off safety stock to fulfilled these stuck orders.


As warehouse operations are incredibly massive, there is always a possibility that some brokered orders can get misplaced or left unattended during the process. For merchants, evaluating warehouse performance and order fulfillment rates becomes crucial to success.

Daily Shipped units by Style/Color

Breaking down the shipped volume by style and color helps identify high performing products based on their fulfillment statistics.

Fulfilment Rate Report

A month by month break down of the fulfillment rate compared to all new orders helps ensure that orders are not being left unfulfilled. The fulfillment rate at the end give an easy to understand percentage score of your actual shipped vs new order rate.

Return Rate YTD

A year over year view of returns.

Rejected Order Items Report

The amount of rejected order items from the warehouse. This will not be very useful initially since over committed orders will usually be canceled in Shopify instead of rejected from the warehouse.

Unreconciled Report

Unreconciled shipments are orders that have been allocated to the warehouse but have not been fulfilled. This report provides the data for all unfulfilled orders at different fulfillment locations. The report also shows the last brokered facility and order brokered time which helps analyze unfulfilled orders and mitigate challenges in the omnichannel order fulfillment pipeline.

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