
Discover how Cariuma manages inventory flow, syncing levels from Cin7 to all Shopify stores, and enabling pre-orders when inventory reaches zero.

Inventory levels are synchronized from Cin7 to all Shopify Stores, and subsequently, HotWax Commerce mirrors this synchronization from the Cariuma US Shopify using inventory webhooks. When a product/item's inventory reaches zero in the Cariuma US Shopify Store, HotWax Commerce promptly designates the product as eligible for pre-order across all Shopify stores, including Cariuma US.

Sync Inventory From Shopify

Because Shopify webhooks are used for reading inventory, the "Reserve Inventory" setting in HotWax Commerce is disabled. This prevents the OMS from reserving inventory against online orders and instead inventory is entirely dependent on an external system for inventory levels.

To toggle Reserve Inventory, go to the Product Store detail page and edit the header settings.

Hold PreOrder Physical Inevnetory

Hold Pre-order physical inventory is disabled for Cariuma since they do not operate physical stores and do not want to keep products on pre-order if they have excess inventory available to sell.

Last updated