Threshold Management


HotWax Commerce’s Threshold Management app enables merchandisers to set inventory thresholds for a group of products.

This document presents pages and functions that helps creating inventory threshold rules.

List of pages

  • Create Rule page

  • Schedule New Threshold page

  • Rule Pipeline page

Create Rule Page

Find and set up different threshold rules for product catalog.


  • Display Count Virtual and Variants products: The page shows the number of virtual and variants displayed.


a. Check Products

Search the products or variants using the product name to set inventory thresholds.

Video: Check products

b. Threshold Value

Set a global threshold for products in search results.

Video: Threshold Value

c. Include tags

Add product tags or operators to narrow down product results to set threshold.

Video: Include tags

d. Exclude tags

Remove tags or add operators for easy exclusion of selected product results.

Video: Exclude tags

e. Save Threshold Rule

Set new threshold rules.

Video: Save threshold rule

Schedule new threshold page

Schedule threshold rule for the selected products.


  • Display product information: Displays the number of products included in the rule, threshold value.


a. Rule name

Input unique rule name to distinguish from other rules.

Video: Rule name

b. Run time

Set runtime to execute a threshold management job in desired time.

Video: Run time

Schedule Job

Schedule the threshold job for the set rule.

Video: Schedule Job

Rule Pipeline page

The Rule Pipeline page enables users to view, edit, skip or cancel the threshold jobs.


  • Display pending, running, historical threshold Jobs: The page shows the list of pending, running and history jobs with its timeline status.

Functions: a. Pending Jobs

Allows the users to audit and make changes to pending threshold jobs

Video: Pending Jobs

b. Running Jobs

View running jobs.

The job typically completes in less than 5 seconds, resulting in an empty running tab most of the time.

Video: Running jobs

c. Historical Jobs

View the timeline and copy the jobs already run.

Jobs already run presented in the latest to furthest time order.

Video: Jobs History

Export Product Threshold Jobs

Update job sequences to change the schedule of jobs.

Video: Change Job Sequence

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