

HotWax Commerce’s Picking app allows users to manage the picklists assigned to them by store managers with features such as barcode scanning, enlarged product images, and optimized picking routes.

This document explains how the picking app can be utilized to handle assigned picklists and initiate the packaging phase.

List of pages

  1. Picklists page

  2. Picklists Detail page

Picklists page

Provides a comprehensive display of both completed orders and in-progress picklists.


  • Order Sections: There are two picklist categories- completed and in-progress. This distinction simplifies the process for pickers to locate their assigned picklist.

  • Filters: There are two filters - only show my picklists and hide completed picklists. Using these filters provides a focused view, highlighting the tasks that still need attention.


Filter picklists

Filter picklist results for user and hide completed picklists.

  • Hide Completed Picklists: Turning on ‘Hide Completed Picklists’ hides completed picklists.

  • Only Show My Picklists: When the 'Only Show My Picklists' filter is turned on, it presents picklists associated with the user.

Picklist Detail page

Allows a user to mark a picklist complete.


  • Picklist Details: Shows the details of all the picklist items presented in a picklist.

  • Quick Completion: Allows quick scanning and marking to complete the picklist.


Search an Item

Allows the user to search for a picklist item by typing in the unique identifier.

Select all items

Select all the picklist items with a single click.

Scan an Item

Use the built-in scanner to scan products to search the picklist items, eliminating the manual effort of searching an item.

Video will be added soon.

Complete a Picklist

Complete a picklist to initaite packing process.

The picklist is marked as ‘completed’ only after the order is shipped.

Related flows:

Last updated