Store Inventory Configuration

Manage store order fulfillment and the flow of inventory for online sales.

Enable inventory availability and order fulfillment

This configuration allows the store to make its inventory available for both online sales and order fulfillment.

  1. Turn on E-commerce inventory.

  2. Turn on fulfillment.

Enable order fulfillment with temporarily paused online inventory availability

This configuration allows the store to stop store inventory from being available for online sales, while still fulfilling online orders.

  1. Turn Off Ecom Inventory.

Enable Inventory availability to E-commerce Stores with paused Order fulfillment

This configuration allows the store to stop order fulfillment and still flow inventory for online sales.

  1. Turn Off Fulfillment

  2. Turn on Ecom Inventory

Disable order fulfillment and Inventory availability

This configuration disables the store order fulfillment and flow inventory for online sales.:

  1. Turn Off Fulfillment

  2. Turn Off Ecom Inventory

Last updated