
Discover how HotWax Commerce OMS provides out-of-the-box pre-order reports to monitor and track pre-order operations, ensuring efficient management of all pre-orders.

HotWax Commerce OMS offers out of the box pre-order reports to help monitor and track your pre-order operations. Putting all of these reports together, retailers can ensure that they're efficiently managing all their pre-orders.

Hourly ON Pre-Order and OFF Pre-Order Report

A merchandiser wants to determine which items should be available for Pre-Orders based on purchase orders and the queue of sales orders. They use a Pre-Order Management System to automatically list and delist pre-order products on eCommerce based on multiple rules.

Technical or operational challenges may prevent products from being available for pre-orders on eCommerce, or vice versa. So merchandisers want to spot-check on products that should be listed or delisted as pre-orders on eCommerce to avoid over-selling or underselling.

The Hourly ON and OFF Pre-Order Report helps merchandisers quickly identify products that are listed for accepting pre-orders and products that are recently delisted for taking Pre-Orders from eCommerce. With the help of these Shopify reports, merchandisers can quickly identify gaps and take action to fill the gaps.


Head of eCommerce, Merchandising Team


ItemItem Details

Product ID

The ID of product on Shopify


The category of the product/item


The unique product code


The color of the product


The unique product code


The size of the product

From Date

The date from which a product is available for accepting pre-orders


The date from which a product is not available for accepting pre-orders

Daily Pre-Order Summary Report

Merchants with successful pre-order strategy implemented with the help of a Pre-Order Management System can get up to 10% of their revenues from Pre-Order sales. To measure the performance of their Pre-Order initiative, merchandisers like to know how many pre-orders are received as compared to the overall revenue.

Using the Daily Pre-Order Summary Report, merchants can get the contribution of pre-order revenue to the overall revenue and the number of pre-order units sold.

User Head of eCommerce, Merchandising Team


ItemItem Details

Order Date

The date of the orders received

Total Revenue

The total revenue earned

Pre-Order Revenue

The part of pre-order revenue from earned revenue

Pre-Order Unit

The unit of pre-orders

Pre-Order %

Pre-Order revenue / Total revenue x 100

Daily Pre-Order Product Performance report

Merchandisers want to measure the best and least-performing Pre-Order products to guide their future strategies. For example, if a product does not perform well after its launch, merchandisers may want to discontinue the product. The Daily Pre-Order Product Performance report helps merchandisers analyze the performance of products on Pre-Order. The report also helps merchandisers make better decisions at the time of product assortment.


Head of eCommerce, Merchandising Team


ItemItem Details


The category of the product/item


The unique product code


The color of the product


The unique product code


The size of the product


The revenue demand received for the item


The unit demand received for the item

Daily Released Pre-Order report

When inventory is received at a warehouse, an effective Pre-Order Management System enables merchandisers to allocate inventory for accepted customer Pre-Orders both manually and automatically. When merchandisers manually allocate inventory for Pre-Orders, they already know how much inventory is consumed by existing pre-orders. However, when the system automatically allocates the inventory, merchandisers have no idea how much inventory is available to promise, which orders have been allocated the inventory, and which ones haven’t. Therefore, merchandisers prefer a daily summary of all pre-orders for which inventory is allocated automatically. The Daily Released Pre-Order report gives a daily summary of all the pre-orders for which the Pre-Order Management System has automatically allocated the inventory.


Head of eCommerce, Merchandising Team


ItemItem Detail

HC Order ID

The ID of order in HotWax Commerce

Shopify ID

The ID of order in Shopify


The category of the product/item


The unique product code


The color of the product


The size of the product

Units released

The number of units which are released for the products

Auto released

Indicates if the order is released automatically or manually

Daily Promise Date Changed Report

The customer expects their pre-orders to be shipped by/on the promised date. Due to supply-chain constraints or any other reasons, expected inventory may occasionally be delayed. For all pre-orders, OMS integrates with merchants' Marketing Automation Platform to notify the customers of updated promised dates.

Merchants accept pre-orders on multiple items every day. So, inventory delays can impact many pre-orders. Therefore, merchandisers prefer a daily summary of these date changes, to verify if the updated promise dates are communicated to customers or not.

The Daily Promise Date Changed Report shows all date changes made for previously accepted Pre-Orders.


Head of eCommerce, Merchandising Team


ItemItem Details

Shopify Order Id

The ID of the order on Shopify

Purchase Order ID

The ID of the purchase order

From Promised Date

The previous promise date for the order

To Promised Date

The updated promise date for the order

Customer Name

The name of the customer

Customer Email

The email of the customer

Data for last 24 hours

Data summary for the last 24 hours

Last updated