

Access to application is secure and permission-driven, ensuring only authoritative users can view and release orders.

HotWax Commerce's Preorder Management App enables users to manage preorders and backorders, with planned future inventory to fulfill the orders.

List of pages:

  1. Orders page

  2. Product List page

  3. Product Detail page

  4. Product Audit List page

  5. Product Audit Detail page

Orders page

Displays all outstanding Pre-orders and Back orders.


a. FIFO Listing: Orders are displayed in a "First in, First out" sequence, ensuring older orders are prioritized for release.

b. Order and Item Count: The total number of queued orders and items are displayed, providing an instant overview of the workload.

c. Orders Display: Orders with IDs, customer names, product specifications, available inventory, and promise dates are displayed to facilitate individual or bulk order release management.


a. Search Order

Search order using product names, customer names, order Id to quickly find and manage release.

b. Filter Orders

Filter orders by order or promise date to manage specific orders efficiently.

c. Release Orders

Select and release orders to the warehouse or brokering queue.

The release button is only enabled when one or more orders are selected.

  • Release to Brokering Queue: This will move the orders to the brokering queue to be brokered to any facility with available inventory and proximity to the customer's location.

  • Release to Warehouse: This will broker the order to the selected warehouse.

d. Edit promise date

Select and update promise dates on orders.

Edit function gets enabled only when order/s are selected.

e. Cancel item

Search and select items to cancel.

Cancel function gets enabled only when order/s are selected.

f. Background jobs

Shows the brokering jobs in pending and running state

Products List page

Displays all products accepting Preorders and Backorders with applicable variants.


a. Product Specifications: Enables users to see variants accepting for preorder and backorder categories.

b. Ordered Item Count: The current total number of ordered quantities is available for quick reference.

c. Search Product: Easy search by product name, color or keywords.

Functions: a. Search Product

Search a product for releasing by SKU, Parent product ID, Parent product name, Product name and Product ID.

Product detail page

View products and their variants, and filter and release orders for fulfillment within stock limits.


a. Quick inventory reference: Product's Total pre-orders, Orders in brokering and quantity on hand is visible to quick reference.


a. Release items

Click the badges to paste quantity in input field.

Select and release single or bulk orders for the product.

  • Release to Brokering Queue: This will move the orders to the brokering queue to be brokered to any facility with available inventory and proximity to the customer's location.

  • Release to Warehouse: This will broker the order to the selected warehouse.

b. Cancel items

Cancel the orders for selected products.

Click the badges to paste quantity in input field.

c. Filter products

Filter orders by order or promise date to manage specific orders efficiently.

d. Background jobs

Shows the brokering jobs in pending and running state.

Product Audit page

Displays a consolidated list of all products with their current presell category and quick overview of presell related jobs.


a. Consolidated View: Enables users to view all the listed items with their current presell categories.

b. Search Product: Easy search by product name, and keywords.

c. Job History: A quick reference for the running job, responsible for marking and removing pre-order items on eComm stores.


a. Filters

Filter orders by presell category.

b. Search Products

Search a product for releasing by SKU, Parent product ID, Parent product name, Product name and Product ID.

Product Audit Detail page

View product’s current presell eligibility and information flow timeline with other related informations such as associated purchase orders, current inventory, and category and brokering jobs.


a. Product summary: Displays product’s presell eligibility and timeline.

b. Purchase Order card: Displays the current status of the associated purchase orders, and shows if any active purchase order is available or last active purchase in HotWax Commerce for the product.

c. Online ATP Computation: Displays the inventory computation for the selected item.

d. Related jobs: Displays the relevant category and brokering jobs with their running status. Allows users to cancel or run the selected job immediately.

e. Shop listing status: Displays the presell status of the products on eCommerce stores.

Related flows:

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