Shipping Order Fulfillment

Allows users to fulfill the regular orders, brokered to their store by OMS.

This document outlines a step-by-step process to pick and ship the orders from the BOPIS application.

Pick Order

  1. Go to the Open Orders tab.

  2. Search Order.

  3. Click on the Ready to Ship function.

  4. Select Picker using the Radio button and confirm.

Ship Order

Picked Orders will be marked as packed and moved to Packed Tab to be shipped.

  1. Go to the Packed Tab.

  2. Search Order.

  3. Print Packing Slip.

  4. Click the Ship function.

View Completed Order

Shipped orders will be marked as completed and will be moved to the Completed Tab.

  1. Go to the Completed Tab.

  2. Search the Order to view completed orders.

Related links:

⬅️Go to HotWax Commerce Docs

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