Launch machine

Learn how to set up a machine to deploy a new OMS instance.

To deploy a new OMS instance you first have to setup a machine. These are deployed using Jenkins.

UAT environments are usually deployed internally so they may have different steps, connect with the System Admin team for that.

  1. Go to Jenkins

  2. Login with your credentials and proceed to deploy a new instance under oms-env-setup segment.

  3. Select oms-prod-launch-deploy from the preset options.

In case, you are setting a test production environment, use oms-launch-deploy. Test production accounts are basically replica of production accounts, helping test real challenges faced during production spin up.

Configure your machine

Click on Build with Parameters from the left menu options and enter required details:

1. Enter a HOST name

The host name is should be the client name followed by uat or oms depending on what kind of environment you're setting up. Replace xxx-oms with instance name.

For example, if a company were named Wasatch Ski Company, the instance name could be wasatchski-oms and wasatchski-uat.

The name or abbreviation of the company has to be unique.

Multi-instance names contain an additional identifier between the name and instance type.

For example, wasatchski-us-oms and wasatchski-ca-oms will be seperate instances for each country

Domain name is prefilled as Do not change this.

2. Select version

The ECR_IMAGE value selects the version of the OMS to deploy the system onto. To determine the current version/tag of the image for deployment, please consult the OMS 1.0 Releases documentation and locate the ECR_IMAGE value. If there's a need to deploy the system using a different ECR_IMAGE version, kindly use the specified image version accordingly.

3. Choosing a machine type

The machine size should be confirmed by internal administration team.

Select the machine size from the EC2_INSTANCETYPE dropdown. Based on the business order size/day we can select the Instance type.

  • C5a.xlarge: Less than or equal to 100 orders orders per day.

  • C5a.2xlarge: More than 100 orders orders per day.

4. Timezone

The default AWS region is us-east-1. Do not change this without explicit confirmation.

Select the timezone where the client’s business is headquartered.

If the preferable timezone is not present in the dropdown, ask the system admin team to create it.

Refer this table to know which timezone to be selected:

5. Build_Command

Default value loadOmsDefaultData should not be changed.


Default value HotWax should not be changed.

7. Plugins

External system integrations are referred to as plugins. If your instance incorporates integrations with external systems, include those plugins here. To identify the current versions of the plugins for deployment, please refer to the OMS 1.0 Releases documentation and locate the relevant plugin information.

You're now prepared to build your machine; simply click the build function.

It can take up to 15 minutes for an instance to become active after deployment. Until the instance comes online, the following message will show:

The site can’t be reached

If it takes longer than 25 minutes for your instance to come online, alert the system admin team.

Verify your machine

Wait until the processing is finished and the box in the stage view turns green.

In the stage view, red box colors indicate an error. If this happens please report the error to the system admin team.

To check your deployment in the Build History screen.

  1. Go to Build History

  2. Click on the instance which is generally latest record to open the latest record.

  3. Click to Console output to open the output.

  4. Go to the bottom of the output and verify that you see a Finished: Success message.

Go to your instance, it should be online and working. If not, refresh your window and a login screen appears, your system is now online.

Initial Setup

Last updated